Love Note #1: Top 3 in 3 weeks
I was hoping to write my first note just after my arrival here in Milwaukee but Milwaukee does not joke around when it comes to good weather. There is something to do outside almost every day and on the weekends, the options seem limitless. It almost makes you feel bad for staying inside and binge watching terribly addicting television shows – but don't worry, I still found a way to sneak some binge watching in and on that note, I highly recommend everyone watch the show UnReal.
I could say so much in this first love note from the great midwest but as to note right a love novel I'll default to my love of list making and writing about the top three highlights from the last three weeks!
1. Festivals, food and fun
Like I said, it's been nonstop festivals and festival-like activities out here in Milwaukee. So far, I've been to Bayview Gallery Night which had an outdoor food truck bonanza component, Locust Street Festival, NEWaukee's Night Market, Buck's Block Party and Juneteenth Day. And I honestly feel like I might be missing something but even just that list is pretty impressive since I've only been here for 21 days...
I have to say that out of all these my favorite so far was the Locust Street Festival – everything you love about a street fair - funnel cake and all! Which east coast friends, does funnel cake exist in the north east? Am I crazy? I only remember eating fried dough and this may have been my first time actually eating fried dough's fancier twin sister, the funnel cake. Anyway, what made this festival way better than any old street fair, however, was all the great live music to check out! My Boston music-loving crew would have totally digged this and I missed ya all to pieces specifically during this festival. On top of all this greatness, it was all free! Well, minus the funnel cake, of course.
While the funnel cake was quite delicious because you can't really go wrong when you deep fry things my actual favorite treat was found at Night Market at Pete's popsicle stand. I got a thai iced tea popsicle and it's still blowing my mind.
2. Art inside
Right when I got here I attended an art show with musical performances, A.D.H.D. Adventures. This was curated by two artists, Manny Vibe$ (Emmanuel Grant) & Winter Fareaux Hiatus (Julian Miller). I actually got to hang with both of them as they got ready for their show. It was fun to see it all come together and I have to say I was pretty impressed with the level of talent the two were able to pull together for an evening of art and music. It was a two day event but I was only able to attend one night but from the word on the street both days were a success. And clearly the way to my heart is through tasty treats so I fully appreciated that snow cones were being served. Another added bonus: they set up a selfie station so one could take a selfie of oneself eating said snow cone...
3. Art outside
Just this past weekend another art show called Temporary Resurfacing went up for one night only on two city blocks of West Historic Mitchell Street. There were over 30 artists who put up video projections around the streets inside store fronts, on buildings and in alleys. It was fun to be outside and engage with both the art in the public but all the other people out and about viewing the work. I met a ton of people, ran into people I've been meeting for the last few weeks and just got to spend time with the few friends I have made here checking out some pretty cool and different work!
Well, folks, that's all the love I got this time.
Work by artists: Namoi Shersty and Xav Leplae