
What are you? Where are you from? But where are you from really? How do you say your last name? What is that? Are you Irish?

These and variations of these questions are ones I have been asked for as long as I can remember. While sometimes I find myself annoyed or exhausted by these questions, I understand that people just want to figure out where and how to place me. As a society, we've been conditioned to choose boxes for our age, gender, ethnicity, race, etc. on various applications and forms. It's only natural to be curious what "box" to put everyone else in.

perception. is a performance in three parts exploring how we perceive others and ourselves in terms of the racial/ethnic "boxes" that have been created over time.

In 2018 perception. has been performed at Facilitating Situations in Milwaukee, WI (photos and video to come!) and in 2016, Little House Gallery in Los Angeles, CA, Gwarlingo Salon in conjunction with 24 Blackbird in Harrisville, NH, Jazale's Art Studio in Milwaukee, WI and Hot Wood Arts in Brooklyn, NY.

perception. at Hot Wood Arts New York, NY July 23, 2016 For more photos click image.

perception. at Hot Wood Arts
New York, NY July 23, 2016
For more photos click image.

perception. at Jazale's Art Studio Milwaukee, WI| June 25, 2016 For more photos click image.  Photo by Adam Carr

perception. at Jazale's Art Studio
Milwaukee, WI| June 25, 2016
For more photos click image.

Photo by Adam Carr

perception. at Gwarlingo Salon & 24 Blackbird Harrisville, NH | January 22, 2016 For more photos click image.  Photo by Corwin Wickersham

perception. at Gwarlingo Salon & 24 Blackbird
Harrisville, NH | January 22, 2016
For more photos click image.

Photo by Corwin Wickersham

perception. at Little House Gallery Los Angeles, CA | January 15, 2016 For more photos click image.Photo by Tracee Johnson

perception. at Little House Gallery
Los Angeles, CA | January 15, 2016
For more photos click image.

Photo by Tracee Johnson